Wind Blade Lifter

• Carrist Blade Lifter could make the wind blade lift,during wind blade transportation, leveling and rotate itself to avoid various obstacles such as trees, mountains and wires, and effectively solve the problem of wind power blade transportation in mountainous areas. 

• The blade is directly fix to the blade lifter and lifted in midair to transport the super long blade with a short total length of trailer.

• During transportation, the hydraulic control can make the wind blade rotate 360 °, the wind blade can rotate 360 ° through the lower slewing bearing and annular slide, and the maximum opening angle of the wind blade is 60 ° through the expansion and contraction of the oil cylinder, which can reduce the counter weight added.

• During transportation, if the wind is strong, the wind blade can rotate 360 degrees to avoid the wind, and participate in the balance through counterweight to ensure transportation safety.

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Product Details

Wind Blade Lifter Carrist Rotor blades for wind strength flora regularly existing haulage businesses with a challenging task. Especially when dealing with the “last mile”, the transport is frequently extra hard specifically when tight corners or barriers have to be negotiated. It is for exactly these conditions that the new adapter technology from CARRIST gives the proper answer to keep away from barriers such as bushes or constructions with the rotor blades even greater effectively. Also on steep hills or slender winding mountainous roads, the function of the rotor blade can be tailored to the route barring any time loss. At the equal time, a wind sensor warns in opposition to exceeding a parameterizable wind speed. The new rotor blade adapter can be installed and transported on each on a pulled platform trailer mixture as properly as self propelled modules, and ensures bendy transportation of rotor blades from exclusive producers thru the speedy launch plate and therefore most effectivity and cost-effectiveness in every day use.




Lifting angle:

0-36 degree

Lifting mode:

duel cylinder lifting

Rotate mode:

4 motor drive

Rotate of blade:

2 motor drive


manual+wireless control

Counter weight size:


Shifting distance:


Shifting mode:

duel cylinder push

Weighing mode:

4 point weight


510 ton*m

Dead weight:


Wind Blade Lifter

Workshop of Wind Blade Lifter


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