Wind Power Industry News

2023/08/15 17:11

           On August 8th, Jiangsu Guodian Investment Binhai 2 × The Preparation Office for the 1 million kilowatt expansion project has received the "Notice from the Provincial Development and Reform Commission on State Power Investment Binhai 2 × The approval of the 1 million kilowatt expansion project marks the official approval of the project. This project is an important measure taken by Jiangsu Company to vigorously promote the development strategy of "fire, wind, solar energy storage, and multi energy complementary integrated large base". It is an important power source point for ensuring power supply in the northern Jiangsu region and a support point for ensuring the absorption of new energy into the grid for peak shaving. It is also a major energy source construction project during the 14th Five Year Plan period in Jiangsu Province.

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