Offshore Wind Power Project

2023/10/13 12:19

         Recently, Fujian and Shandong provinces have respectively announced two offshore wind power projects; Zhejiang has approved a new offshore wind power project.

        On September 1st, the Natural Resources Bureau of Ningde City released the "Announcement on the Demonstration Report on the Sea Area Use of the Ningde Xiapu Offshore Wind Farm Zone B Project"; On October 7th, the Ecological Environment Bureau of Weihai City issued a public notice on the approval opinions for the environmental impact assessment document of the proposed 450MW offshore wind power project at the South U site of the Donghai Wei Peninsula; On September 21st, the Development and Reform Bureau of Dongtou District, Wenzhou City issued a notice on approving the construction of the Dongtou 1 offshore wind power project, which was approved.


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